David Mach and his extraordinary work
We had the great opportunity today, me and Jeremy, to see some of David's older / latest works, and I could touch with my own hands ...

Pillow talk with BBC
Please find below the press release for Pillow Talk's participation in the BBC's 100WOMEN event which will be held at Broadcasting House...

Model Railway Exhibitions Royston 2016
Model Railway Exhibition Royston and District MRC - Model Railway Exhibition (30th Anniversary Show Sat 19th November 2016...

Pillow talk with BBC
We have good news, and again, this has happened very quickly. Pillow Talk has been selected to take part in the BBC 100 Women .Event on...

Pillow Talk: conversations with women
Pillow Talk: conversations with women, the pop up nomadic women's art reading lounge, will be at TEDxUCLWomen 2016: Intersect this...