Pillow talk with BBC

Please find below the press release for Pillow Talk's participation in the BBC's 100WOMEN event which will be held at Broadcasting House on Monday 28 November. Over 300 guests have been invited to this yearly event with 3 live radio discussions that will be broadcast by the BBC World Service on Monday 1 November 2016. We will post lots of images from the day's activities via the Pillow Talk Instagram account PillowTalkSLWA.
Pillow Talk: conversations with women the pop up nomadic women's art reading lounge
BBC100 Women Monday 28 November 2016
Venue: BBC Broadcasting House Portland Place London W1A 1AA
BBC Radio live discussions broadcast on 1 November 2016 via BBC World Service
Does Feminism include you? 18:00 - 19:00 Asian Network team 19:20 - 19:50 The Funny in Feminism 20:00 - 20:30
Hot on the trail from showcasing Pillow Talk at University College London's TEDxUCLWomen event on 29 October, Pillow Talk has been invited to showcase at the BBC's annual event 100Women at Broadcasting House, the theme is intersectional feminism. The BBC has chosen its list of inspirational and influential women for 2016. They will bring you groundbreaking moments of defiance, new takes on fairy tales, stories of octogenarian cheerleading, and take you inside the world of e-gaming. Others will be exploring black feminism or taking part in our first ever live festival. You will hear from some of the world's biggest names but also from women you may never have heard of, but who all have astonishing stories to tell.
Staged in a transparent geodesic dome, the Pillow Talk reading lounge is furnished with art pillows by SLWA artists and a selection of readings, cuttings and ephemera from the Women's Art Library collection, based at Goldsmiths University of London. Visitors are invited to relax, read the material and to interact. These conversations with women contribute to a collective multi-layered memory of women’s art history and highlight the achievements of women artists and will form part of an ongoing research project.
The pillow artworks feature the work of 60 SLWA members exploring diverse themes from science to politics, gender, memory and sex. They are sites of learning, contemplation, discussion and dissent as well as a comfortable place to sit. The stable structure of the geodesic dome and its transparency invites the public inside providing the perfect space for open and balanced discussion.